Arthritis Pain Healed!

Pastor Randy has been ministering in Taiwan. We are excited to be able to share this testimony of healing.

Image by Shutr used under the creative commons attribution license.

After the Saturday night service at the Glory to Glory Conference in Toufen, Taiwan a lady came up to me to pray for her hands with arthritis pain. It was hard to move her fingers and impossible to move them without pain. The pain level was 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. I prayed and released the kingdom into her hands, commanded the pain to leave and full mobility to return. As soon as we were through praying she began to move her fingers and the smile on her faced said it all. I asked her how she was doing. She was looking at her hands, moving her fingers and said the pain is gone. She was shaking her hands as if she was trying to make them hurt but she could not. We praised God together and then she said, “Pray for my eyes. I have eye pain. We prayed again and the pain in her eyes was completely healed.

The next day at the Sunday morning service I saw her and when she saw me she raised her hands and began moving her fingers with a big smile on her face. She was still healed!!!!

The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. We believe that we will see many more people with joint pain healed because we are celebrating what God has already done.

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