Mosaic is our small group ministry at Summit Church.
They are a place to connect, belong, and believe.
A place where you CONNECT with one another,
BELONG to the family and BELIEVE in your identity. These groups are constantly growing. As a Covenant Partner you are welcome to host a Mosaic. If you would like to start a Mosaic group here at Summit Connect with Sam Amoako-Atta.
Dinner & Discussion
Let’s enjoy a meal together and get to know one another better as we discuss topics relevant to our group. Bring whatever you would like to eat for dinner. Topics for discussion will be posted in advance, so you can have time to gather your thoughts. Our time together will be made richer by everyone bringing something to the table. For more information contact
Monica Monaghan.
Seers Anonymous
We meet to better understand how to have an impact on our communities, families, and places of work. This is accomplished through knowing our spiritual gifts and how to use to them. This group exists as a platform to discuss these topics. All are welcome!
For more information contact Madison Serbin.
Ladies Dinner and Digging Deeper
Join us for a time of community and digging deeper into the word. We have done a few different studies but it is never too late to jump in on what we are currently covering.
Meeting Thursday nights at 6pm.
For more information contact Gina Benson.
Graceful Warriors
It is a time for women to go deeper into the Word. And have an encounter with Yeshua/Jesus. To Understand and uncover our identity as daughters of the King of Kings, women in the Lord, the Bride of Messiah, and mothers raising the next generation. Bring a journal or writing materials for the encounter time.
For more information contact
Kellie Ann Peterson. (505) 321-7802.
Summer Book Study
Join us for the summer to go through the book: Receiving Mantles from the Courts of Heaven: Supernatural Empowerment to Fulfill the Call of God on Your Life by Robert Henderson. We will read through the book and discuss a chapter each week.
This group is for men or women.
For more information contact
Kellie Ann Peterson. (505) 321-7802.