Danie’s Testimony

When Pastor Randy and Anna were in South Africa, May of 2015, they had the opportunity to meet with Dirkie Mokel, a vineyard owner. While getting to know Dirkie, he shared about his friend Danie who had cancer and was not doing well. Pastor Randy blessed the cancer with the ability to die and commanded it to do so. We just received the following report from Dirkie:

Danie went through a very bad period regarding his health during October and November 2015. I mentioned to you in an email that he had a rather big operation to have a (cancer positive) tumor removed  in his neck. He was then offered a new chemotherapy product from Europe, he will be only the second cancer patient in South Africa to receive this treatment. He will not have to pay for it, it is still in a experimental stage. What is interesting about this product, is that it does exactly what you mentioned some months ago in your prayer for Danie, it changes the DNA of the cancer cells, so that it receives back the ability to die! (you blessed the cancer cells with the ability to die).

Anyway, Danie is now waiting for more than three months for the arrival of this product in South Africa. Can you believe it, they reported to him that they have sent it by ship, instead of by air!

Danie had his bladder recently tested; all the tests showed that he was completely clean, no cancer!

In the mean time he is still fighting the gland cancer and was still waiting for the arrival of the new product . It arrived last Friday and he had his first treatment during the day. He was quite positive that this product will save his life.

We had a cell group meeting last Monday. On the way to the meeting, Danie told us that he had a scan during Monday morning and that he has just received the results of the tests…………it shows that he is completely clean, NO CANCER CELLS!

It is really unbelievable! God did a miracle, some of the doctors predicted that he won’t even reach December 2015! We serve a living God, all our prayers for Danie came to reality.

P.S. Yngvild, Danie’s wife, mentioned in a text that Danie’s  cancer has grown aggressively in 12 months in spite of heavy medical treatment, but disappeared during the last 3 months when he didn’t receive any treatment. She concludes: “One cannot explain it other than that God answers prayers and does not need any medication in order to do so! “